Cultivator with Spring And Crumbler Combination

Minos developed spring cultivator- rotary harrow combination in parallel with technological developments 
in preparing seed bed. Operating depth which is demanded sensitively is obtained with this new tool. It is provided that the soil is protected and the erosion is prevented. It maximizes conserving the moisture and water intake capacity. For unit operating dept, some functions are fulfilled with least oil fuel. It is very effective against weed struggle. Land surface is recommended by breaking clods into pieces with rotary harrow. So that the seed is grassed and begins to develop, an ideal environment is constituted in the soil. 


While the tool is in working condition at the end of parcel, manoeuvre must never be made. While this tool is connected to truck, it must not be moved back. Depending on soil characteristics, the most proper operating speed must be determined between 8-12 km/hours. If operation is made with this tool for the first time, it is necessary to control and compress all bolts and studs at the end of day. Minos tools have vibrating settings and following rotary harrow.  By this means, seed bed treated in the same depth is prepared. It is diversified according to the needs of Turkish farmers and it has operating depths changing until 3.35 m. Type and technical characteristics of seed bed cultivators in our production program are given. 

USED TOOL:      

Flat section and spring stays are heat-processed and are made of special spring steel. By this means, it has vibrating characteristics in operating conditions.